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Celebrating the Little Things

Christine Curavo

Time is always on my mind.  I once referred to myself as a "time-chaser."  I've spent most of my professional life with jobs where deadlines were a way of life—starting with the newspaper business where deadlines came and went every few hours—then I began producing international events where every second was captured.

Well, years have now passed, and I still try to cram so much into every second of the day—always imagining that I am accomplishing so much. And at the end of each day, I fall into bed, exhausted, but usually exclaim—wow, I got so much done today!

Recently, I have been wondering why I am rushing around so much? Who am I racing against—except time? I have been thinking, maybe should be more careful with the way I spend time—instead of running, maybe I walk a little more. Maybe I spend more time with people I love so much, after all—they really are the fun parts of my life.

Yesterday, I spent the entire day with my husband and brother.  I wanted to celebrate a recent accomplishment where my brother had some success. We did nothing all that special.  We just played golf (I drove the cart), had dinner and saw a movie.  I woke up this morning with sore stomach muscles.  I knew it wasn't from golfing because all I did was adjust the front window on the cart and duck and cover from a few stray golf balls.  Then I realized, it was from laughing so much during the day. 

Sometimes the greatest gift we can give somebody is simply time together—and really it's the kind of gift that gives right back. I never slept as well as I did last night.

I saw an article written by Maria Shriver recently on the importance of getting it right, and as I read the article, I knew exactly what she was talking about.  

 P.S.  If you find you are short on time, and could use some ideas on great gifts to give while you plan a holiday adventure, we are here to help at Check out our beautiful new snow globe. Order now for guaranteed delivery for the holidays.



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