The Art of Gift Giving
Speak to all Generations
Christine Curavo
We are all on the same journey. A friend called me last week to confess that she was “in denial” about getting old. She said she didn’t know when it happened and was surprised that did. After all, she told me, she didn’t feel any different than yesterday. I was taken completely by surprise because I never thought of her being any age at all—even though she must be at least 15 years older than me, but then I really don’t know because she never seems to age. Agelessness. What is that? My mom had it too. I think...
Support America with a Stamp.
Christine Curavo
Distinguish yourself with a note that bares a commemorative stamp. Last New Year’s Eve; my San Francisco office had a break-in. My door was shattered and things were tossed about. But as it turns out—the cash, cameras and computers were all left behind and only one thing went missing—my commemorative stamps! Now, mind you, I am not much of a collector and history was never my strongest subject, but I just love the arts and the idea that I am supporting an American tradition by using commemorative stamps when I send a card thrills me somehow. It all started in...
Celebrate Success
Christine Curavo
Celebrating great moments magnifies the happiness. How often does somebody say, “I’ll take this case to the Supreme Court if I have to!” Usually it’s just a passionate term we use to express how much we believe in something. But, I know a lawyer who actually did take a case to the Supreme Court, and won! One night over dinner he told me about the experience. He described the majesty of the environment and how at first his knees trembled, but how he was able to find the exact words he needed and his client prevailed. Then he told me...
Surround yourself with things that Smell Good
Christine Curavo
Everyday when Lucy brings the mail she says, "I knew you were here today because I could smell your studio from downstairs." And then she stands in my doorway for a few minutes to inhale and says, "I always feel so relaxed when I am here." Then she zips off to the next building to deliver the mail. I can hardly smell anything, but I know I feel good when I am here. I am surrounded by dozens of lavender gifts stacked high on shelves, but I also have lemon, cinnamon, pine & eucalyptus things too. They have created a blended...
5 Remarkable Ways to Use a Lemon
Christine Curavo
If there is only one thing you do for yourself this month, it is to buy a lemon—better yet, buy an entire lemon tree if you can. I know its sounds extreme, especially for those living in the snow belt—but there are so many uses for lemons that it boggles the mind. Besides being a health aide, cleaning agent, beauty enhancer, natural insect repellent and food accent, lemons are possibly the most beautiful fruit on the planet. Google the hundreds of uses and be delighted—l'm only going to mention a few favorites here. 1. CLEAN A COPPER PAN Of all...